In 2020, the United States and the Afghan government reached an agreement that provided a framework for their future relations. The main aspects of this agreement include a commitment to security cooperation, economic support, and political stability.

One of the key components of the agreement is the continued presence of US troops in Afghanistan. The US military has been in the country since 2001, when they were sent to invade and overthrow the Taliban government that had provided safe haven for al-Qaeda. The agreement stipulates that the US will maintain a limited presence in the country to help train and advise Afghan security forces.

As part of the agreement, the US also committed to provide economic support to Afghanistan. This support is aimed at helping to stabilize the country`s economy and build up its infrastructure. The US has already invested billions of dollars in aid to Afghanistan over the past two decades, and this agreement is intended to continue that trend.

Finally, the agreement also touches on political stability in Afghanistan. The US government has long been involved in efforts to promote democracy and human rights in the country, and this agreement continues that commitment. The agreement calls for the establishment of a more inclusive government that represents all Afghans, as well as for the protection of human rights.

Overall, the agreement between the US and Afghanistan is a multifaceted document that covers many areas of cooperation. While there are certainly challenges to implementing the agreement, particularly given the ongoing violence in the country, it represents an important step forward in the two countries` relations. As always, only time will tell whether this agreement will be successful in achieving its goals.